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Guns ’N Roses - Not in This Lifetime (Special Edition)
Hailing from Hollywood, California, this awesome pin ROCKS HARDER than any other pinball machine before it, and embodies the rock and roll excess of the sunset strip scene. And it gets it right…23 original master recordings from all GNR studio albums, a top notch sound system, and a searing custom light show bring an arena rock concert into your game room. Featuring original callouts by band members including Slash and Duff, original music by Slash, live concert video, and movie-quality original animation. But the immersion doesn’t stop there - there’s a ramp built out of actual drum sticks, a guitar pick spinner, and a spinning Slash Hat/album, along with a playfield LCD screen with animations and game info. Wih ramps, three spinners, intense multiball action, and all the modern bells and whistles, this game absolutely rules, and includes a rare custom light truss/spotlight topper from PinGraffix that kicks this already insane light show up into the stratosphere with expertly programmed lighting routines that syncs with gamplay and songs throughout the entire game. Collect the band members, play the songs, and embark on an epic rock n roll pinball adventure from Jersey Jack Pinball. Features both "adult" and "family" modes.
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Manufacturer: Built by JJP in 2021
Theme: Modern Machines
Notable Features: Original GNR music, , three spinners, giant LCD screen with live video and animations, playfield LCD, multi balls, ramps, Spinning slash hat, original speech and music by Slash and other band members
Price: $7999
  (917) 209-8523 • crazylevipinball@gmail.com © Crazy Levi's Pinball