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Boo! It's the coolest, most goth, most horror, most spooky pinball machine of all time; VAMPIRE! This amazing Bally game is in great shape and a rare find; they only made 799 of these things and there's only a handful around today. I've been in pinball for a quarter-century+ and this is only the second one I've seen. Amazing art for any horror buff; tombstones, bats, rats, skulls, and all manner of creature of the night. Features cool play items including a pop up post, an outlane kickback, and two kickout holes. Fun game to play; build up the bonus value and cash in up top, or build up the target value in the center and cash in at the batwing tip targets on the side. This game sucks...your blood!!! It's so cool.
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Manufacturer: Built by Bally in 1971
Theme: Vintage Classics
Notable Features: Center pop up post, kickback, two kickout holes
Price: $2399
  (917) 209-8523 • crazylevipinball@gmail.com © Crazy Levi's Pinball