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Get BACK in the SADDLE AGAIN with the bad boys from Boston...no not the Cars...not J.Geils...yup, you got it...AEROSMITH!!!! This awesome rock pin from Stern features some of Aerosmith's biggest classic rock hits - no sappy MTV ballads here - and the best psychedelic rock artwork ever to grace a pinball machine, custom created by famed rock artist "Dirty" Donnie Gilles. A fast, flowing layout makes this a fantastic high octane rock 'n roll pinball blowout. Load up the sculpted, 3D elevator for "Elevator Multiball," and get your wings by playing all the songs. Covered in swirling 70s-style trippy art, with Fender Basses and Gibson Les Pauls all about, it's just a magnificent game and a perfect capper to any rock or pinball collection. Take on the maniacal, taunting "Jacky," fill up his toybox, and go on tour with Aerosmith in this all-time classic!!!
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Manufacturer: Built by Stern in 2017
Theme: Modern Machines
Notable Features: Real operating toybox where balls are flung through the air into, 2 ramps, 6 ball multiball, ball-flinging magnets, awesome classic Aerosmith soundtrack
Price: $7999
  (917) 209-8523 • crazylevipinball@gmail.com © Crazy Levi's Pinball